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Our three-part study series, Pathways to Discipleship, serves as a guide for Christians striving to be lifelong followers of Jesus Christ. Each Pathway is designed for small group or individual study to help with growth in a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ and in the love of neighbor. 

The deepest desire of the human heart is to be loved.

Jesus’ Great Commandment (Lk 10:27) is to love God and love neighbor.

His Great Commission (Mt 28:19) sending apostles to make disciples who love God and neighbor creates spiritual growth for the Church building the Kingdom of God.

LOVING STONES of CHRIST, a lay apostolate founded in Houston, TX, shares ways to renew Catholic parishes and communities. LOVING STONES of CHRIST apostolate envisions a Church living out the Great Commandment and Great Commission.

Our contribution is to create and offer resources for parishes, communities, and individuals to grow in discipleship and apostleship.


“Like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house” (1 Pt 2:5),

“…building itself up in love.” (Eph 4:16)

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