About Our Materials

At LOVING STONES of CHRIST, we take great care in researching and developing our materials. We center ourselves on our Lord Jesus Christ and his universal call. We strive to be faithful to the teachings of his Church and focus our reliance on primary sources to create our materials. Our first source is Scripture. We use the NRSV-CE translation as it is both approved for Catholic use and is a familiar translation for other Christians. Our second source is the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For saints and blesseds, we rely on primary sources, which are either the person or people who knew them. In addition to being more historically accurate, this enables their real life to be shared more fully. We occasionally turn to other authentic Church sources such as Lumen Gentium and other papal writings. We avoid theological speculation and topics that may be controversial theologically. Any third-party resources we share we believe, to the best of our knowledge, to be faithful to the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Before publication, our materials are tested across groups of differing demographics to make them as relevant as possible to the daily lives of Catholics. If you have found something you believe to be in error or have any suggestions, please contact us.

Offered with the Spirit of Love

We believe our apostolate is a gift to be freely shared.  All of our materials may be digitally downloaded and distributed at no cost. They may be incorporated in full or in part into other non-commercial work provided proper attribution is given. We ask that anyone interested in incorporating our materials into commercial (for sale) offerings to please contact us.